The Carnegie-Irvine Galaxy Survey (CGS)


Test Case


  1. summary from image atlas

  2. original FITS images  (B, V, R, I)

  3. color-composite image (original)

  4. color-composite image (star-cleaned)

  5. stacked image

  6. structure maps  (B, V, R, I)

  7. color index maps (B−RR−I)

Radial Profiles

  1. summary from 1-D atlas

  2. surface brightness and color profile plot

  3. geometric and Fourier parameters plot

  4. surface brightness (B, V, R, I)

  5. ellipticity  (B, V, R, I)

  6. position angle ( B, V, R, I)

  7. A4 harmonic amplitude (B, V, R, I)

  8. B4 harmonic amplitude (B, V, R, I)

  9. m = 1 relative amplitude (B, V, R, I)

  10. m = 1 phase angle (B, V, R, I)

  11. m = 2 relative amplitude (B, V, R, I)

  12. m = 2 phase angle (B, V, R, I)

  13. color profile (B−I,  V−I,  R−I)